Wave of Light

Gift to Humanity, and All Planet Life

This wave of light mantra comes from the universe to us all. Please quiet your mind, go deep inside your being, and repeat this mantra with intention

Please know, it is with this intention, the light seeker will also raise their own vibration, and invite light into their life, and all those who are connected to them.

Wave of Light Mantra

It is with intention I be still with thee to send love and light to all my fellow human beings.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Compassion.
I am Freedom.
I am Peace.
I am Creation.
I am Everything Good in this World.
I am.

It is with intention I be still with thee to send love, and light to all the birds in the sky, all the creatures in the sea, all the animals, insects and reptiles with whom we share this Planet Earth, our home.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Compassion.
I am Freedom.
I am Peace.
I am Creation.
I am Everything Good in this World.
I am.

It is with intention I be still with thee to send love and light to the wondrous oceans, the majestic mountains, the expansive deserts, the deep skies with all their sparkle, and mystery they provide.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Compassion.
I am Freedom.
I am Peace.
I am Creation.
I am Everything Good in this World.
I am.

It is with intention I be still with thee to send love and light to all the magnificent trees, plants, and flowers which brighten our souls, bring air to our beings, and feed and heal our bodies.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Compassion.
I am Freedom.
I am Peace.
I am Creation.
I am Everything Good in this World.
I am.

It is with intention I be still with thee to send insurmountable gratitude to the magnificent sun, and brilliant moon who support life and all that is on this planet Earth I call my home.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Compassion.
I am Freedom.
I am Peace.
I am Creation.
I am Everything Good in this World.
I am.

It is with intention I be still with thee to honor my light, my being, my contribution to all life on this beautiful planet Earth, my home.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Compassion.
I am Freedom.
I am Peace.
I am Creation.
I am Everything Good in this World.
I am.

It is with intention I send this light and love to all living beings, all life on this planet, contributing to this intentional wave of light force where darkness no longer exists.
We are One.
We are Light.
We are Love.
We are Compassion.
We are Freedom.
We are Peace.
I am Creation.
We are Everything Good in this World.
We are.

We are a life force like no other.
We are One.
We are powerful beyond our wildest imagination.
We are One.

It is with this intention, I send this Wave of Light to all.

Please repeat three times. At the end of the mantra, please close your eyes, and imagine this intention joining the energy wave of light we have all created, around the planet, for ten minutes.